Who We Are: Outreach Elder

Jim Hoekwater

Where were you born? What was your childhood like?
I was born and raised in Cutlerville - the fifth of five kids. My 2 older sisters “helped” raise me. I attended Cutlerville Christian School (now Legacy Christian), South Christian High School, and on to Calvin College (now Calvin University). I loved all sports growing up - whatever season it was, that’s what we played. After I went to Calvin, I went on to the University of Detroit Dental School.

How did you meet your significant other?
After high school and at the end of that summer of 1966, I ran into Chris on Green Lake (it’s a long story) and we started dating after that. After five years of courting, we were married after she graduated as a RN from Butterworth School of Nursing in 1971, after my first year of dental school. We lived in Detroit until I graduated in the fall of 1973. Somehow (could be a God-thing!) we got connected to CRWRC (now World Renew) and worked in Nicaragua for a year after 3 months in language training in Costa Rica.

Sara, our first born, was born there in Nicaragua in July. That’s a whole other story.

We returned to Grand Rapids at the end of 1974 and set up and started the practice in November of 1975 in Cutlerville. My mother was our primary recruiter for patients at first! We moved the office to the Metro Health complex in November of 2008 as sons, Jamie and Drew, joined the practice. I asked our youngest son, Brian, if he wanted to make it a foursome but he replied “No Way!”

How did you come to faith in the Lord?
Growing up in the CRC, I went along with what I was taught in school, church, and home. But when I got out on my own, away from all the normal customs and crutches, especially away in dental school in Detroit, I realized I had not totally committed my life to Jesus as my savior and Lord. I had to do some real soul searching to decide what I believed. At that time, I asked Jesus to take over my life, to live in my heart and to guide my every thought and deed. I’m still asking for that guidance every day as I struggle to walk that narrow path. It is a process still!

What were some experiences that have helped shape you?

Going away as a young married couple to Central America, both as a couple and as believers, was a very positive experience. Seeing God’s people, from different cultures and backgrounds, working together in His kingdom work was an enlightening time for us. We were challenged in our beliefs and pushed to expand our vision of who God is and who His people are.

What are your hobbies and passions?
Chris and I love to travel and golf. I enjoy fishing as well and lake activities with family and anything to do with kids and grandkids.

When/how/why did you come to Hillside?
When we moved from Kelloggsville to Cutlerville in 1975, we lived very near to Cutlerville Hills CRC which then met at South Christian High School. We enjoyed being members of small groups in church for many years and have found great fellowship and enrichment and growth in that ministry.


Moral Injury & PTSD


Who We Are: Family & Adult Ministries Elder