We believe that living a Christian life includes caring for those around us.
Current Serving Opportunities
We need YOU! Hillside needs you. Our community needs you. We cannot do this without YOU!
God has blessed everyone with spiritual gifts and we can’t wait to help you find yours.
Fill out the contact form if you are interested in serving in any area.
Nursery Volunteers
If you can spare an occasional hour to help watch our littlest members, please contact us!
Bethany Safe Families
Are you looking for an opportunity to serve in a way that will change lives? Bethany Safe Families partners with local churches to help families in crisis. Parents who support in Safe Families do not lose custody of their children. They are supported for a small time to stabilize them, keep their families together and give them the time and tools to thrive as a family.
Senior Member Transportation
We need transportation to and from church on Sunday mornings for our senior congregation members. Whether it’s weekly, once a month, or even a single commitment, we would be grateful.
Kids Hope
For over two decades, Kids Hope USA mentors have been trained and equipped to build and sustain caring and safe relationships with children.
Ongoing Collections
Food Drive (The Pantry)
Bring non-perishable foods to the bins under the mailboxes.
Paper Gator
Located outside near the multi-purpose building - recycle newspapers, magazines, phone books, office paper, etc. No plastic, metal glass or cardboard.
Paper Gator supports the Hillside Youth Scholarship Fund for Mission trips.
Used Cell Phones
Working or not - they can be placed in the SafeHaven Ministries box under the church mailboxes.
Hand2Hand Grocery Items
Different food items are collected each month to put together meals for the children at Townline School.
Bins are under the church mailboxes.
We believe that Jesus commanded the church to take care of its members as well as those outside of the church.
We strive to fulfill this call by serving within our church community as well as caring for the poor and oppressed in the global community.
Worship Team
This includes instrumentalists and vocalists.
Audio/Visual Tech Team
This team helps support the worship team by providing technical assistance for sound, lighting, and video.
Visual Arts
If you enjoy decorating and creating aesthetically pleasing environments, you could help with stage design/decorating.
Worship Arts Committee
This committee helps develop and evaluate our values and vision for Sunday worship services. *Invitation only.
Nursery Caregiver
Birth to 2-year-olds.
If you love small children, there are always opportunities to serve in Nursery during either of the morning services.
Stepping Stones Teacher/Helper
3 and 4 year olds, Pre-School, and Kindergarten.
Lead or assist with story time, craft time, snack time, and other activities.
Congregational Care
Samaritan Meals
We try to provide meals to people after an illness, surgery, loss of family member, birth of a new baby, or any other time where someone needs help.
Fellowship Committee
Enjoy planning events and having fun? Help plan the Christmas Dinner, Chili Cook-off, or help organize any other event that you would like to see at Hillside.
Tech Team
Different from the Worship A/V Tech Team.
If you are gifted in the area of technology and computer skills and are willing to help staff and congregational members, this is perfect for you.
Funeral Committee
As a church family we want to be there to assist families who have lost loved ones. One of the ways is through serving meals after a funeral.
Sunday Morning
Greet people at the doors before each service.
Once a month, every three months.
Assist library visitors with what they are looking for.
Assist people in finding a seat.
A month at a time, every other month.
We have a prayer room open after each service for anyone who feels they need prayer - this person leads those in prayer.
Welcome Center
A place where visitors can find out more about Hillside on Sunday mornings.
Monitor the church building and parking lot during each of our services.
Coffee Server
Make sure that there is a warm pot ready on Sunday morning!
Once a month at one of the services.
First Response Team
Medically trained individuals who are available in case of a medical emergency.
Serve with us!
Fill out the form below and someone will reach out to you shortly! We are blessed that you are interested!