A Remarkable God

Leon Pratt

I would like to take a moment to thank all of you at Hillside for your support during my recent journey with melanoma cancer. 2020 was a year of being diagnosed with melanoma in three spots. One on my head, one in a lymph node in my left neck, and one on my left lung. It was a very unsettling time for me to face a real possibility of dying, but family, Pastor Daniel and our congregation were quick to show support. Pastor Daniel included it in our prayer chain and the level and flow of prayers became apparent.

I received calls, cards, and evidence of many of you praying for me. Thank you. God heard your prayers and I received the right treatment, at the right time, by the right people. We all know of people where things went sideways at one of those steps. God’s hand was with me.

I had a skin graft on my head, and neck surgery on March 13, 2020. God picked 3 amazing females in their 30s to do the work. May God bless each of them because it was 100% successful. May we never be biased because all three doctors represent three different continents. God blesses whom He wants to bless, and uses those who are willing to use those gifts.

In July, 2020, my melanoma doctor started me on an infusion treatment for the growing spot on the lung that should last for a year. That spot on my lung began to shrink already by a September scan. A November scan showed it was smaller yet. A February scan this year showed it was still holding at a small size.

The infusion treatments taught my T cells to fight the cancer, and it’s working. In March, he said, “We are stopping the treatments because it is ‘under control.’ Any questions?” Vonnie and I were sitting there, wide eyed, and trying to comprehend what he just said. We thought I would do more treatments until July. He said we would scan it every 3 months just to monitor it. I may never need the treatments again.

When I read the medical report it said, no growth, no new growth, no signs of expansion. Their medical term for this was “unremarkable.” Are you kidding me? Unremarkable? What God did was so totally remarkable, it’s amazing! And yes, I am still unremarkable, as my brother reminds me. And yes, God is still remarkable!

I needed to share with you the success of the treatment and the results of your prayers. Every once in a while, we need to be reminded just how Remarkable He is. Why He chose to be remarkable for a nobody like me may very well be because you lifted me up, and He wanted us to know how much He listens and loves us. It also reminds us who gets the glory; a Remarkable God gets the glory.

Today, my scans are still holding. God is still Remarkable whatever the outcome. There is nothing that happens to us that doesn’t first pass through the Heart of God. I thank God for each of you.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
- Joshua 1:9


Hillside’s First Female Elder


My Story