An Impromptu Celebration

Bob DeWeerd

It was about 9:30 p.m. when the power went out. Up to that point in the week, we’d had steady power, which was unexpected. A storm had come up and knocked out power to the entire town, so this was more than just the expected blackouts that occur around the country every day. On this Wednesday night, in Jaguey Grande, Cuba, a wonderful thing happened when the power went out.

It had been four years since a group from Hillside had been in Cuba for the Summer Music Academy of the Christian Reformed Church in Cuba. We were halfway through the week of music classes, which had been going extremely well. Historically, Wednesday nights during the week were reserved for an evening program where people from each of the different churches and towns presented music that they had prepared in advance. The musicians ranged in age from 9 to 60+ years old. Some played beautifully simple tunes while others showed their God-given abilities with complex melodies and harmonies that showed how they had been continuing to grow as musicians. It was a nice evening of music and fellowship. Then it happened: during the last group’s performance, the power went out due to a storm in the area. The group soldiered on and completed their song with the light of a flashlight. What happened after that was truly an expression of joy and worship.

Instead of heading out and going back to where they were staying, the students, most of whom were teenagers, began singing songs, clapping, and dancing to the Lord. It was an inspired and impromptu celebration of simply being together to worship. This wasn’t a planned event. There wasn’t a single leader; rather the momentum and enthusiasm grew as they enjoyed one another’s company. If a song wasn’t known, it was learned very quickly. If it was known, it was sung with heartfelt joy that was infectious. Everyone participated, and the presence of God was clearly manifested. In short, those present were blessed in innumerable ways by this sincere and heartfelt impromptu celebration - a celebration started by a power outage.

This experience brought to mind Ephesians 5:19-20: “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” To see this passage lived out was something special.

The verse immediately preceding this passage, Ephesians 5:18, says, “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” The juxtaposition of these two passages is interesting: rather than retreat to drinking, our phones, or other things, we are called to fellowship in, through, and with God and one another. In doing this, we are filled with the Spirit. What could be better? Granted, sometimes we aren’t together, but when we are, we can speak to one another with “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” and find a clear path to joy.

When we find that clear path to joy, people notice. In Jaguey Grande, people wondered what would bring such joy. Why are they singing with such energy? When these questions enter the minds of those passing by, the light of Christ is revealed and people are impacted. A seed is planted, and the kingdom of Christ breaks into the lives of others one little bit at a time. What a blessing it is to know that God can use such times to reveal himself.

That evening’s celebration provided a great springboard for the rest of the week, and the Music Academy continued to equip the students to share music in their own way. God blessed us and continued to remind us that His faithfulness and blessings abound no matter what the circumstances.

In the end, we are challenged to remind ourselves that the opportunity for genuine worship and fellowship can come at any time. Rather than focus on the inconveniences that may come up, we can embrace the moment and experience joy together. May the Spirit fill us in those circumstances and may our interactions be, literally and figuratively, marked by us speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.” - Psalm 136:1


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