Inside Hillside

Ministries Mark Bykerk Ministries Mark Bykerk

Why Cuba?

What does Cuba have that would make a group of Americans fly there during the hottest part of the summer to teach in the Music Academy? - Adriann Hulst

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Ministries Mark Bykerk Ministries Mark Bykerk

Who Are The Hilltoppers?

We take a few moments each time we meet to remember the Lord through a brief devotional from the Word. We pray together. We have fun together! And in all we do, we never forget that we are the Lord’s. - Margaret Broersma

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Ministries Mark Bykerk Ministries Mark Bykerk

God Wants Me to Go!

We are there to show the Cuban people that they are not alone in this world. There are other Christians who love them and with whom they can have fellowship. Going to Cuba is the single most enriching thing I have done in my life. - Charlene Bouma

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Ministries Mark Bykerk Ministries Mark Bykerk

Serving Faithfully

Every child is a gift from God and every child has their own unique set of gifts. It was great through the years to see how we could try to develop some of those gifts and at the same time provide Biblical teachings to the children.

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Ministries Mark Bykerk Ministries Mark Bykerk

Making Disciples at Bible Club(s)

The KLBC mission is sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with elementary aged children wherever they are. KLBC partners with churches like Hillside to sponsor Bible Clubs in West Michigan public and charter elementary schools and other places where children gather, such as neighborhood homes, mobile home parks, and apartment buildings.

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Ministries Mark Bykerk Ministries Mark Bykerk

Being Used By God

This year, God touched my heart and convicted me to restart the Bible Club at Townline…When Covid-19 had everything shut down, Hillside mentors, Kids Hope, and Bible Club weren’t allowed in our building. It pained me, until I heard the Holy Spirit say, “I need you to tell them about me.”

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Ministries Mark Bykerk Ministries Mark Bykerk

Moral Injury & PTSD

It was a stunning revelation. The entire sanctuary hushed. But he had spoken his bitter truth in a church where, behind the platform on which he stood, the image of a cross is bricked into the wall.

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