Looking Back: Don and Mary Reunite in Hawaii, 1969

Don and Mary Apol

Inside Hillside originated as a monthly newsletter back in September of 1969 and was titled The Sharer. The story below is the first article of The Sharer.

Saturday, August 23, was a happy day for Don and me. After long plane rides for both of us, we met at 4:30 am at Hawaii’s R & R Center. The weather was a perfect 80-85 while we were there, and we spent much time touring the island in our rented car. Our hotel was located on Waikiki Beach so we enjoyed occasional swims in the ocean.

On Sunday we attended services at Honolulu’s Christian Reformed Church where Dr. Melvin Hugen is pastor. They have a servicemen’s home at the church and we were invited with another R & R couple to stay for dinner. Don enjoyed the good food in Hawaii, especially hamburgers and steak. It’s a little better than the routine water buffalo. After six wonderful days together, Don returned to Vietnam to complete the final four months of service.

Don is back in Chu Lai again, which is located 80 miles south of Dan Nang. He is resuming his duties of hiring and taking care of the Vietnamese people who work for the U.S. Army. He brings them to their jobs, supervises and helps with their work, and pays them each day since many of the people work for just one day at a time. He manages to find a little spare time and has taken on a new part-time job - landscaping.

We are truly thankful to God for being with us during Don’s term of service and are looking forward to December 23 when he will be on his way home.

Don and Mary wrote an article 50 years later, in 2019, reflecting on God’s faithfulness:

Don received his first draft notice while we were at Michigan State. He asked and received a student deferment. A year after he graduated, we had just joined Hillside (known then as Cutlerville Hills CRC) when he got his second draft notice. Arnold Christians and Jim Haagsma (church elders) visited us before his leaving and left us with Psalm 121. I had already become the church secretary at Hillside and was persuaded by many to stay at our new church. My former church, First Cutlerville CRC let me continue to be a Calvinette leader which was a blessing.

We can recall many blessings as well as joys and sorrows in the next 50 years that followed. After being in Vietnam 6 months, Don's mother passed away unexpectedly. The Red Cross had to find him which took over 24 hours (there was no email, texting or face time!). When he returned to Vietnam from being with the family 2 weeks later, his entire platoon had been destroyed. He was assigned a new job which included hiring the Vietnamese people who worked for the US government. This job gave him more "spare" time and he was able to do some landscaping around his office and even around the chapel. God created a lot of beautiful plants and placed them in that jungle and some even found their way into the chapel on Sundays. Just 4 months before his discharge we met in Hawaii for R&R. His term was up when he returned home on Christmas Day, 1969. Hillside celebrated with us!

Upon Don’s return home, God blessed us with 4 children and spouses and 16 grandchildren. And almost 3 years ago now Hillside surrounded us with love and prayers when our son Dan passed away unexpectedly. As scared as we both were when Don left for the US Army, God and Hillside have been with us every step of the way. Looking back, we can easily see that God was and is guiding our lives. God has truly blessed both us and Hillside these past 50 years. Praise Him!

The Lord will keep you from all harm, He will watch over your life. The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
- Psalm 121:7-8


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