Inside Hillside
Who is the Assistant to the Young Adult Ministry?
It all began when she was a teen, and she says, “She was not in a good place.” She had lost hope in finding a place to fit in. She even, at times, felt she needed a reason to live. When she ran out of things to try, she decided to try church.
We all have people in our lives who are heroes, from parents to pastors to many others. God puts them there to help point us to Him…I’d like to highlight two heroes of faith among many whom I have had the privilege of knowing. Both are from Cuba, and both have faced their challenges.
Not My Own
If an expert medical team in an ICU can’t offer any hope, then what hope is there? A comforting verse from the Bible eluded me, but what did suddenly come to mind was the first question and answer in the Heidelberg Catechism. “What is my only comfort [hope] in life and death?”
The Creed and Me
After taking the bread and "wine," we stood and the congregation recited the Apostles Creed...I began to say it along with everyone else. And the tears began to flow like a river down my face. This was it! This was everything!
Living with Autism
Several years ago, our youngest son, Cai, was diagnosed with autism…I’d like to share some lessons we’ve learned.
And Hope Never Fails
Over the ten years that I have visited Cuba, I always leave with a profound sense of awe and humility after witnessing how the Cuban Christians fully rely on God’s providence and their ability to find so much joy and contentment in their suffering.
Through Pain and Suffering
No, it can't be! I'm too young! Twenty-nine and I've been diagnosed with breast cancer. We have a two-and-a-half-year-old son. And so begins a journey that we knew nothing about, at a time when nobody talked about it…It also begins a journey of pain and suffering that will go on for years to come.
The Gift of Words
We say the wrong things to people; we can’t express ourselves clearly; we misrepresent someone or something with our words; we hurt peoples’ feelings…and the list goes on. But God forgives and still wants our best words offered back to Him and in service for His Kingdom.
We’ll Meet You Where You Are
“I want our young people to learn the value and beauty of a demographic they may not encounter regularly…I hope they will realize the blessing and Christian service they can bring to people with disabilities.”
Win Gritter’s Life of Mission
“Everyday I say, ‘Lord, this day is in your hands,’” said Win. And that’s what Win’s life has been about—following Jesus. Whether it’s to Zuni or Taiwan, Grand Rapids, Mexico, or Cuba, it’s not always about where Win is, but how she’s living her life and sharing the love of Christ.
How Do We Love One Another
So feed the poor and hungry - do. But feed one another in difficult times too, and send cards, and most of all pray with and for a person in need - in these ways, and many more, we are Christ to those among us. - Margaret Broersma
An Impromptu Celebration
It was a nice evening of music and fellowship. Then it happened: during the last group’s performance, the power went out…what happened after that was truly an expression of joy and worship. - Bob DeWeerd
Finding Home
God brought us to Hillside for many reasons and many blessings, the ones we have already experienced and the ones in the future. We are part of a new family. May we go in peace and share the good news of Jesus with others on this journey as we together head home. - Steve Beukema
Who Are The Hilltoppers?
We take a few moments each time we meet to remember the Lord through a brief devotional from the Word. We pray together. We have fun together! And in all we do, we never forget that we are the Lord’s. - Margaret Broersma
God Wants Me to Go!
We are there to show the Cuban people that they are not alone in this world. There are other Christians who love them and with whom they can have fellowship. Going to Cuba is the single most enriching thing I have done in my life. - Charlene Bouma
From There to Here
“The impact the church has had on my life is one of freedom…Having seen chaos and dysfunction pre-adoption, the stability of the church has shown me what structure looks like.” - Shamber Brown
Thoughts on Prayer
For us, it is easy to pray for big things; however, God calls us to pray for all things. It is in the day to day where we can find God through prayer, and when we are faced with any type of situation, we should pray.
Singing Melody to the Lord
In January 2021, Morné’s friends told him about an opening for a worship leader at Hillside. That appealed to Morné and Louise, but think of the disruption to their family at having to move from South Africa to West Michigan…But God had planted that seed and when God plants a seed, it germinates despite our unsureness.
Introducing Roger Bouma - Our Church Chaplain
We could call him Commander Roger Bouma, US Navy, retired; but most military people just call him Chaplain. We at Hillside usually call him Roger. He may be retired from the military, but he has risen to the occasion of our need and filled the void for a visitation pastor.