Inside Hillside
Serving Faithfully
Every child is a gift from God and every child has their own unique set of gifts. It was great through the years to see how we could try to develop some of those gifts and at the same time provide Biblical teachings to the children.
Running in Church
If Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, for such is the kingdom of heaven,” how could I possibly tell a child not to run in the place where one day we pray that he is running straight to the Savior who loves him?
Making Disciples at Bible Club(s)
The KLBC mission is sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with elementary aged children wherever they are. KLBC partners with churches like Hillside to sponsor Bible Clubs in West Michigan public and charter elementary schools and other places where children gather, such as neighborhood homes, mobile home parks, and apartment buildings.
Being Used By God
This year, God touched my heart and convicted me to restart the Bible Club at Townline…When Covid-19 had everything shut down, Hillside mentors, Kids Hope, and Bible Club weren’t allowed in our building. It pained me, until I heard the Holy Spirit say, “I need you to tell them about me.”
There needs to be at least one time in our lives when we are crushed by the burden of our sin and shame…If I hadn’t experienced the pain of my sin, if I hadn't carried a load of guilt for awhile, the joy of salvation would be missing.
Ready To Go (An Introduction of Krista Noyes)
As we are immersing from two years of not knowing the future and what’s going to happen next, God is bringing new and exciting talent to Hillside. One of these people is Krista Noyes. She’s our new Director of Children’s Ministries.
Learning To Pray As An Adult
What if a person was not raised in a Christian home? How does one learn to pray as a new Christian? How does one begin to pray as an adult? Three Hillside staff members tell us their stories about their journey with prayer.
Who We Are: Shepherd Leader Elder
When my wife and I announced our engagement at work, they informed us that spouses could not work at the same company. It was a new policy that they were initiating. We had to pray and ask God for help.
I Go to Church to Partner With Parents
When I consider my relationship with Jack, had I not listened to, learned from, and partnered with Jack’s parents I would have continued to feed Jack stones and snakes instead of bread and fish. What I offered Jack was spiritual malnourishment, what God and his parents were offering could feed his soul.
Moral Injury & PTSD
It was a stunning revelation. The entire sanctuary hushed. But he had spoken his bitter truth in a church where, behind the platform on which he stood, the image of a cross is bricked into the wall.
Who We Are: Outreach Elder
Going away as a young married couple to Central America, both as a couple and as believers…We were challenged in our beliefs and pushed to expand our vision of who God is and who His people are.
Who We Are: Family & Adult Ministries Elder
I’ve learned that I can’t create my own self-worth or security, or earn God’s love and acceptance - even though I’ve certainly tried. The beauty is that I don’t have to try - Jesus has done it all on the cross for me - it’s already done and finished!
Who We Are: Service Leaders
In our busy lives, it is easy for us to simply focus on our own individual and family needs…these are all very important! However, we are also called to bless others through service, and acts of service help to take us out of our inward-focused attitudes.
Who We Are: Compassion Service Leader Deacon
I grew up going to church and when I was in high school I made profession of faith at the church I grew up in. Looking back, I’m not sure how much was “just going through the motions”…Not until meeting my wife did it start to come together.
Teenagers Need the Church When Leaders Fail
When our students’ role models and leaders fail, it can be devastating in a number of ways. But what about when that role model or leader they choose to follow is a pastor or youth leader?
Learning to Pray on a Tractor
Darlene was terrified! She was only five. Could she really keep the wheel straight? She suddenly prayed out loud for all she was worth. “Help me, God! Help me drive this tractor!”
Lessons from a Prayer Challenge
My neighborhood story has taught me to not overlook the mission field nearest to me, to use my “Jesus lenses” and have eyes to really see people. Everyone has a story. Give grace because you never know what people are going through.
The Perfect Storm
Your stress level is building and building and you just can’t catch a break. In the moment it can be so hard to find a positive way to battle the “storm” and come out undamaged. But is the aftermath more important than the “storm” itself?
Looking Back: Don and Mary Reunite in Hawaii, 1969
Inside Hillside originated as a monthly newsletter back in September of 1969 and was titled The Sharer. This week’s story is the first article of The Sharer.
Is God Calling You to Make an Impact?
Every year I wondered why I was getting myself into such a distressing situation…But then it seemed like I would hear God’s voice reminding me I was doing this for His honor and service, not for any temporal reward.